Handbook for Creators of Fundraising Projects

HaySatar / Jun 06, 2024

Your project can be anything you want to create and share with others. It can be any device, craft, book, film, music, theater, that is, almost everything that you dream about and that excites you and that you want to create / change.
All you have to do is focus on a project with a clear goal in mind and you'll be fine.
Every HaySatar project should have the following:
• Project page with pictures, video, description, which should describe in detail and present all the details of your project.
• It is desirable to provide information about the rewards that are intended for sponsors and will be issued after the end of the project.
• Updates that showcase the creative path of bringing the project to life
Let's look at them in order. We'll start with your project page where you tell people your story.
Imagine that you are explaining your project to your friends. What would you say? What can they ask you? And how would you show them that you are serious, prepared and able to do a great job? Your project page is your chance to tell people who you are, what you want to do and why.
Don't know how to start?
Check out successful projects on these biggest crowdfunding sites https://www.kickstarter.com , https://www.indiegogo.com.
Viewing successful projects in your category is a good way to find out what kind of information your supporters will expect.
If your project is simple and clear, then your project page will be simple. But if you're doing something more complex, please share details to demonstrate that you know what you're doing.
And of course you should answer a few basic questions:
Who you are?
Introduce yourself, your team and any similar work you have done, show some examples!
What are you going to do?
The more details the better. Sketches, samples, prototypes -
all this will help sponsors to be as inspired as you are.
Where did this project come from?
Tell people how you came up with this idea and what you have achieved so far. The history of the project will help others understand what you do and how you do it.
What is your action plan?
Have a clear and specific schedule of what sponsors can expect.
What is your budget?
A simple breakdown lets people know that you've thought of everything and that you have a workable plan so they can trust you to use the funds wisely.
Why do you care?
Tell people why you are passionate about your project and strive to make it happen.
Much of your story can be put into words, but a good project page is more than just text. Images and videos are very helpful in drawing people's attention to your story.
Choose a great image for your project.
Remember: this is the first part of your project that people will see - you want to make a good first impression.
Make an exciting video.
This is the best way to introduce yourself and get people to know what you're working on. It doesn't have to be a super professional video, a good exciting video can be made on your phone.
Be creative.
Be sure to make a description of the project in plain English so that the translator most correctly translates your project into other languages, this will help you significantly increase the circle of potential sponsors of your project.
Why do people support projects? For starters, they want to support what you do. But they also want to feel like they're getting something in return, and rewards allow them to participate in your work.
Some of the rewards are simple. For example, if you publish a book, you offer copies of it. Other rewards such as souvenirs or custom work can bring sponsors closer to your project.
Even simple words of gratitude in writing or on video can impress sponsors.
Try to identify who your potential sponsors are and what will motivate them to support your project?
Offer multiple levels of rewards
Someone can donate $5 to your project, someone $20, and someone $100, make sure that there is something worthwhile at each level, even if someone donated only $5, he should not be left without attention, because there may be thousands.
You will need to create and send all the rewards, so think through each level and make sure that your budget will allow you to fulfill all the promises within the time frame you specified.
Think ahead, create and deliver awards and rewards to suit your needs and budget.
You may limit the time period and the total number of reward tiers and/or add-ons a sponsor may choose to make as part of their donation.

Your target fundraising amount should be the minimum amount you need to complete the project to the extent it was promised and provide backers with all the promised rewards.
In order to deposit the correct target amount, first of all, it is necessary to accurately determine all possible costs and calculate the necessary budget for the project.
Write down any possible expenses, even the less obvious ones, such as packing material to deliver the promised gifts. For larger expenses, find the best price. Count everything. It's okay if the number is more than you need, even if your project seems simple, it's best to follow each step.
Make all calculations assuming that you will receive the collected amount minus the commission fee.
HaySatar will keep a commission percentage for paying for payment systems and transactions, maintenance and improvement of software, platform development and project promotions in order to find sponsors.
Your surroundings
HaySatar is a great way to share your ideas with new people. However, most of your support will come from your social media and the people most familiar with your work. Consider what additional audiences you can reach, from friends and fans to online communities, and make a conservative estimate of how many supporters you can realistically attract.
Project duration.
The duration of fundraising can last from 7 days to infinity, depending on the purpose and type of your activity.