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Help the earthquake victims in Syria
On February 6, a deadly earthquake hit southern Turkey and northern Syria. While...

Support My Mom’s Fight Against Neuroendocrine Tumors
Almost ten years ago, my mom was diagnosed with advanced neuroendocrine tumors,...

David need you
Dear all, David was born a healthy boy on 8th January 2010. In au...

Help 12-year-old Garnik fight Fanconi Anemia
12-year-old Garnik suffers from Fanconi Anemia which is a rare disease that main...

Training equipment for VOMA Vanadzor
Dear friends, this fundraiser is being organized to complete sports equipment of...

STEM summer camp for 50 school kids
I am Hripsime Mkrtchyan, PhD, atmospheric physicist. Already more than 5 years I...

Talin Dolls Handicraft Project for Women
Talin Women's Resource Center Development Foundation (TWRCF) Since 2012 TWRC...

Oyster mushroom from coffee grounds and straw
Hello, I am David Skhtoryan. I live and work in Darakert village of Ararat regio...

Green Camp, Educational Platform
Why? Prevent Ecological Disaster At the 70th session of the UN General Assembly...

ApriKoosht unique project looking for a support
ApriKoosht is a unique project that has been operating in Armenia since 2018. Ov...

TSOVINAR modern choreographic performance
Short Summary Who we are? Kochar Cultural Foundation aims to prom...

Shakespeare's sonnets in Armenian
Shakespeare's sonnets were fully translated into Armenian 5 times. However,...

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