Fundraising Rules And Regulation
Crowdfunding Fundraiser Platform
We welcome and support projects from a wide variety of categories: Arts, Crafts, Charity, Nonprofit, Apparel, Fashion, Drawing, Photography, Education, Teaching, Film, Video, Food, Drinks, Music, Theater, Nature, Environment, Publishing, Writing, Social, Community, Sports, Competition, Technology, Innovation, Desires, Dreams, etc.
Here are some general rules that must be followed by the creator of any HaySatar project.
Projects should create something that can be shared and / or sold to others.
HaySatar can be used to create anything, but every project needs a plan for how to create and implement the created product.
Projects must be honest and clearly presented.
Crowdfunding built on trust and communication. Projects cannot mislead people or misrepresent facts, and creators must be honest about what they plan to achieve.
When a project involves the production and distribution of something complex, such as a gadget, we recommend that projects show sponsors a prototype of what they are doing and prohibit the use of misleading images.
The prototype demo should reflect the current state of the product and should not include special effects that demonstrate functionality that does not yet exist. If a project requires software and hardware integration, creators must clearly demonstrate that functionality and any dependency, or report that they have not been developed yet.
Invalid - Misleading information that includes photorealistic renderings and heavily edited or altered images or videos that could create a false impression of the current stage of product development.
Prohibited items cannot be used in projects.
These guidelines do not cover every possible use case for HaySatar, but they do explain our purpose and perspective.
It is the exclusive right of our team to admit or deny a project for fundraising.