Charity & Nonprofit

David need you

by Katarina Skultetyova Contact Me
Austria Villach in Immucura klinik
$8,250 raised of $44,057 goal 18.73%
  • 271 Donations
  • Finalized
  • 5 Likes ( success)
Campaign viewed 25259 times
Dear all,
David was born a healthy boy on 8th January 2010. In august 2022 after pancreatitis he was diagnosed with pancreatoblastoma, mutation AR|D1A. Until then he was living a healthy and active life as a floorball player. In Slovakia he was treated with chemotherapy and radiotherapy and later on also with radiotherapy in the Proton Therapy Center in Prague. After this last treatment the tumor got smaller and deactivated. But not for long. After another 4 weeks metastases appeared in his liver and abdominal cavity. The treatment possibilities in our country have run out, but we cannot and do not want to give up. After longer research and help requests, we got an offer from the Immucura Clinic in Austria – the dendritic cell therapy. 
The first symptoms in terms of painless jaundice, acholic stool, dark urine and increased amylase in urine and blood appeared in April 2022. Until then, the boy was developing normally, no serious long-term illnesses, family history was also negative, delivery was without complications.
This was followed by a series of examinations, which confirmed a tumorous process in the area of the pancreatic head with growth into VMS, AMS, AHC, Ductus Pancreaticus, Ductus Choledochus and mesenteric and retroperitoneal Lymphadenopathy. Histologically, it is Pancreatoblastoma. ARID1A mutation is present.
Due to the biliary obstruction, a duodenobiliary drain was inserted repeatedly (9th May 2022, 19th September 2022, 1st March 2023). From 12th June 2023 he has been drainage free.
Hickman line was implantated on 19th August 2022.
Between 19th August 2022 and 15th September 2022, he was given first-line oncology treatment. Due to the progression of the local finding, it was changed to Cyclophosphamide+Carboplatin+Etoposide (CCE), which was given to him in the period between 10th April 2022 and 27th January 2023 in 6 cycles.
Proton Radiotherapy was given between 6th March 2023 and 12th April 2023.
Due to the progression, in the sense of newly discovered metastases in liver, in the area around the liver and suspected pulmonary metastases, second-line chemotherapy was started on 22nd May 2023: VCR (Vincristine)+ Temodal+Irrinotecan, which was finished on 7th July 2023.
 David is a big fighter. He is cheerful most of the time and first and foremost he believes he can recover. He is the captain of a floorball team and right now for almost one year he has been fighting his greatest enemy - cancer. He deserves a chance to live and we are willing to try anything that will help him. 
Please ,help us to save our child.
Parents : Petra and Robert Galac 
Kontakt:  Mail:

                  Thank you very much            

Prosíme Vás o pomoc pre nášho syna Dávida.   Ďakujeme za každé euro a za každé zdieľanie ?❤️

Dávid sa narodil ako zdravý chlapec 8. januára 2010. V auguste 2022 mu po pankreatitíde diagnostikovali pankreatoblastóm, mutácia AR|D1A. Dovtedy žil zdravým a aktívnym životom ako florbalista. Na Slovensku sa liečil chemoterapiou a rádioterapiou a neskôr aj rádioterapiou v Protónovom centre v Prahe. Po tomto poslednom ošetrení sa nádor zmenšil a deaktivoval. Nie však dlho. Po ďalších 4 týždňoch sa mu objavili metastázy v pečeni a brušnej dutine. Možnosti liečby sa u nás vyčerpali, no nemôžeme a nechceme sa vzdať. Po dlhšom výskume a žiadostiach o pomoc sme dostali ponuku z kliniky Immucura v Rakúsku – dendritická bunková terapia. 
Prvé príznaky sa objavili v apríli 2022. Dovtedy sa chlapček vyvíjal normálne, žiadne vážnejšie dlhodobé ochorenia, rodinná anamnéza bola tiež negatívna, pôrod bol bez komplikácií.
Nasledovala séria vyšetrení, ktoré potvrdili tumorózny proces v oblasti hlavy pankreasu s prerastaním do VMS, AMS, AHC, Ductus Pancreaticus, Ductus Choledochus a mezenterickú a retroperitoneálnu lymfadenopatiu. Histologicky ide o pankreatoblastóm. Je prítomná mutácia ARID1A.
Z dôvodu biliárnej obštrukcie bol opakovane zavedený duodenobiliárny drén.
Hickmanova línia bola implantovaná 19. augusta 2022.
V období  od augusta 2022  mu bola nasadená onkologická liečba.
Protónová rádioterapia sa podávala v  marci a  apríli 2023.
Z dôvodu progresie v zmysle novoobjavených metastáz v pečeni, v oblasti pečene a suspektných pľúcnych metastáz bola dňa 22.5.2023 zahájená chemoterapia druhej línie.
 David je veľký bojovník. Väčšinu času je veselý a v prvom rade verí, že sa dokáže uzdraviť. Je kapitánom florbalového tímu a už takmer rok bojuje so svojím najväčším nepriateľom - rakovinou. Zaslúži si šancu žiť a my sme ochotní vyskúšať čokoľvek, čo mu pomôže. 
Prosím, pomôžte nám zachrániť naše dieťa.
Rodičia : Petra a Robert Galáčovi 
Kontakt: Mail:
* * * * *
  • Alexandra Marková
    Alexandra Marková sent $20
  • Petra Kyselova
    Petra Kyselova sent $5
  • Jana Malaťaková
    Jana Malaťaková sent $30

    Skoro sa uzdrav ;-)

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous sent $5
  • Martin
    Martin sent $100

    Drz sa!

  • Anonymous
    Anonymous sent $5
  • Nikola Panková
    Nikola Panková sent $15

    Davidkovi, držíme palce

  • Alexandra Makovickova
    Alexandra Makovickova sent $20
  • Jaroslav Peterka
    Jaroslav Peterka sent $10
  • Tomáš Feigl
    Tomáš Feigl sent $40
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